

See what efficient action means!


New technology provides managers and company owners with efficient management tools.


Managing a team of sales representatives has never been so automated! Many types of documents, like the instructions and reports that take up so much of your advisors’ time, can be replaced with a mobile tool with the appropriate application.


Measuring your sales representatives’ work effectiveness is quick and easy. At any time, it is possible to monitor the scheduled activities, manage databases, control sales processes and the quality of customer service, generate reports and analyses, and more importantly to receive a clear message whether the business is moving forward or if it needs more effort. A sales representative no longer needs to spend precious time performing arduous work to report their actions and results after returning from a business trip. All reports expected by their superiors are prepared directly after a given visit or in the course of the visit.




The Solutions Lab tool allows you to monitor the work of sales representatives at every stage of the sales process. The direct superior may review and correct the work of a sales representative as early as at the planning stage. Quick reaction based on a schedule of planned meetings generated by the tool increases the chance of achieving successes from the start.

Customer Service

The system guides sales representatives through subsequent stages of the sales process. This enables them to properly prepare for customer meetings and to easily complete a report on meeting progress. With a multilevel sales process, it supports the seller in planning follow-up meetings with the customer. The risk that a meeting does not go as planned by the superior or does not take place within the appropriate time is reduced to a minimum. Superiors have a full and detailed image of the frequency of customer visits, as well as the possibility to verify whether the database includes customers who have not been visited by sellers.

The Solutions Lab program provides

the possibility to:


  • Keep track of work history with your customers
  • Define the content of customer meeting surveys
  • Gather data from analytical surveys
  • Monitor the execution of scheduled meetings
  • Record the time and place of meetings



Sales levels and goal execution have always been the key effectiveness coefficients of the previous activities of sales representatives and their managers. The Solutions Lab tool enables representatives to make mobile sales while providing an immediate summary and verification of whether the current plan – monthly, quarterly or annual – has been executed and whether an employee has achieved their goals. In the case of deviations, the tool enables you to accurately pinpoint the places and areas in the sales process where the causes of these lie. Funnel analysis allows you to trace data at any level, as well as efficiently test the effectiveness of actions at each stage of the sales process.

Work results assessment

Our solution enables ongoing supervision over the activities of sales representatives. Their superior may monitor event reporting in real time from any place and tool. This type of interaction allows them to immediately approve or reject reports.


Full awareness of the work of sales representatives provides the manager with the possibility to properly assess a given situation as well as to correct and avoid mistakes. In this regard, the Solutions Lab tool is second to none.

Data analysis

Analysis of properly aggregated and updated data is one of the key tasks of every manager. This is a required stage in the decision-making process – both at operational and tactical levels, and later at the strategic level. With Business Intelligence solutions, company managers can make quick and accurate decisions.


The solution we offer is QlikView. This is one of the most popular, comprehensive reporting and analysis platforms used by managers in many countries. Work using the platform enables conducting business analyses independently. The technological advancement is fully integrated with its mobility and intuitive usage.



SolutionsLab Sp. z o.o.

Ul. Kraszewskiego 32/4

05-803 Pruszków


telefon: +48 22 100 53 45



NIP: 527-26-53-598,

REGON: 142959385, KRS 0000387773

Sąd Rejonowy dla m. st. Warszawy w Warszawie,

 XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego


All right reserved 2019

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